Attribute "label"

Used by:graph, cluster, node, edge
Description:Text label attached to objects. Different from ids labels can contain almost any special character, but not ".

If a node does not have the attribute label, the value of the attribute id is used. If a node shall not have a label, label="" must be used.

The escape sequences "\n", "\l" and "\r" divide the label into lines, centered, left-justified and right-justified, respectively.

Change the appearance of the labels with the attributes fontname, fontcolor and fontsize.
Values:Any string without "
Default Value:""
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Example 1/1:
Source code:
(graph ((label "graph label"))
(record ()
(node ((id "r1") (label "")))
(node ((id "record")))
(node ((id "r3") (label "label"))))
(node ((id "a") (label "node\nlabel")))
(node ((id "b") (label "node\nlabel")))
(node ((id "c") (label "!§$%&/()=?\`´@€+*~#;:,-.|<>\nnice special characters") (shape "plaintext")))
(cluster ((id "c1") (label "cluster label"))
(node ((id "id_of_node")))
(node ((id "node_without_label") (label ""))))
(edge ((from "r1") (to "a")))
(edge ((from "a") (to "b") (label "Same labels\lfor different\lnodes")))
(edge ((from "a") (to "c") (label "nice\redge\rlabel\r")))
(edge ((from "id_of_node") (to "node_without_label") (label "\l\lnode\lwithout\llabel\l"))))
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