Examples 2


These examples demonstrate the possibilities of 'dot' and S-Dot. Below each graph the S-Dot source code is listed. Click on the element and attribute names to get a documentation.

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The charts were generated automatically from a XABSL document using XSLT.

Example 1/2:
Source code:
(graph ((ranksep "0.3") (nodesep "0.2"))
(cluster ((id "option") (label "option handle-ball-at-left-and-right-border") (fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (fillcolor "#F4F4F4") (style "filled"))
(sub-graph ((rank "same"))
(node ((label "go\nto\nball") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_go_to_ball") (shape "Mcircle"))))
(sub-graph ((rank "same"))
(node ((label "turn\naround\nball") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_turn_around_ball") (shape "circle")))
(node ((label "do\narm\nkick") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_do_arm_kick") (shape "circle")))
(node ((label "do\nsideward\nkick") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_do_sideward_kick") (shape "circle"))))
(edge ((from "state_go_to_ball") (to "state_do_sideward_kick")))
(edge ((from "state_go_to_ball") (to "state_turn_around_ball")))
(edge ((from "state_go_to_ball") (to "state_do_arm_kick")))
(edge ((from "state_go_to_ball") (to "state_go_to_ball")))
(edge ((from "state_turn_around_ball") (to "state_do_sideward_kick")))
(edge ((from "state_turn_around_ball") (to "state_do_arm_kick")))
(edge ((from "state_turn_around_ball") (to "state_turn_around_ball")))
(edge ((from "state_do_arm_kick") (to "state_go_to_ball")))
(edge ((from "state_do_arm_kick") (to "state_do_arm_kick")))
(edge ((from "state_do_sideward_kick") (to "state_go_to_ball")))
(edge ((from "state_do_sideward_kick") (to "state_do_sideward_kick"))))
(cluster ((id "option_tree") (color "#FFFFFF"))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (shape "box") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "option_approach_close_ball") (label "approach\nclose\nball")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (shape "box") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "option_turn_for_ball") (label "turn\nfor\nball")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (shape "box") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "option_do_arm_kick") (label "do\narm\nkick")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (shape "box") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "option_do_sideward_kick") (label "do\nsideward\nkick")))
(sub-graph ((rank "sink"))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_cont_turn_to_ball") (label "cont\nturn\nto\nball")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_stand") (label "stand")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_walk") (label "walk")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_cont_turn") (label "cont\nturn")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_go_to_ball") (label "go\nto\nball")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_special_action") (label "special\naction"))))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (from "option_approach_close_ball") (to "option_turn_for_ball")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_approach_close_ball") (to "basic_behavior_go_to_ball")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_turn_for_ball") (to "basic_behavior_cont_turn_to_ball")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_turn_for_ball") (to "basic_behavior_stand")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_turn_for_ball") (to "basic_behavior_walk")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_turn_for_ball") (to "basic_behavior_cont_turn")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (from "option_do_arm_kick") (to "option_approach_close_ball")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_do_arm_kick") (to "basic_behavior_walk")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_do_arm_kick") (to "basic_behavior_special_action")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_do_arm_kick") (to "basic_behavior_stand")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (from "option_do_sideward_kick") (to "option_approach_close_ball")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_do_sideward_kick") (to "basic_behavior_walk")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_do_sideward_kick") (to "basic_behavior_special_action")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_do_sideward_kick") (to "basic_behavior_stand")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (minlen "3") (from "state_turn_around_ball") (to "basic_behavior_walk")))
(edge ((minlen "2") (arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (from "state_go_to_ball") (to "option_approach_close_ball")))
(edge ((minlen "2") (arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (from "state_do_arm_kick") (to "option_do_arm_kick")))
(edge ((minlen "2") (arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (from "state_do_sideward_kick") (to "option_do_sideward_kick")))))
Example 2/2:
Source code:
(graph ((ranksep "0.3") (nodesep "0.2"))
(cluster ((id "option") (label "option go-to-kickoff-position") (fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (fillcolor "#F4F4F4") (style "filled"))
(sub-graph ((rank "same"))
(node ((label "localize") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_localize") (shape "Mcircle"))))
(sub-graph ((rank "same"))
(node ((label "turn") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_turn") (shape "circle")))
(node ((label "go") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_go") (shape "circle")))
(node ((label "dont\nmove") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (fontname "Arial") (id "state_dont_move") (shape "circle"))))
(edge ((from "state_localize") (to "state_localize")))
(edge ((from "state_localize") (to "state_dont_move")))
(edge ((from "state_localize") (to "state_turn")))
(edge ((from "state_localize") (to "state_go")))
(edge ((from "state_turn") (to "state_localize")))
(edge ((from "state_turn") (to "state_dont_move")))
(edge ((from "state_turn") (to "state_turn")))
(edge ((from "state_go") (to "state_dont_move")))
(edge ((from "state_go") (to "state_go")))
(edge ((from "state_dont_move") (to "state_localize")))
(edge ((from "state_dont_move") (to "state_dont_move"))))
(cluster ((id "option_tree") (color "#FFFFFF"))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (shape "box") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "option_get_to_position_and_avoid_obstacles") (label "get\nto\nposition\nand\navoid\nobstacles")))
(sub-graph ((rank "sink"))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_go_to_point") (label "go\nto\npoint")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_cont_go_forward_to_point") (label "cont\ngo\nforward\nto\npoint")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_stand") (label "stand")))
(node ((fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#005A9C") (fontsize "11") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#FFFFFF") (id "basic_behavior_walk") (label "walk"))))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_get_to_position_and_avoid_obstacles") (to "basic_behavior_go_to_point")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_get_to_position_and_avoid_obstacles") (to "basic_behavior_cont_go_forward_to_point")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (minlen "3") (from "option_get_to_position_and_avoid_obstacles") (to "basic_behavior_stand")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (minlen "3") (from "state_localize") (to "basic_behavior_stand")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (minlen "3") (from "state_turn") (to "basic_behavior_walk")))
(edge ((arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (minlen "3") (from "state_dont_move") (to "basic_behavior_stand")))
(edge ((minlen "2") (arrowsize "0.8") (color "#808080") (style "dashed") (from "state_go") (to "option_get_to_position_and_avoid_obstacles")))))
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 Copyright 2006-2010 by Martin Loetzsch (http://martin-loetzsch.de), all rights reserved. See the S-Dot licence for details.