Attribute "fillcolor"

Used by:cluster, node, record
Description:Color used to fill the background of a node, record or cluster.

For nodes and records, the attribute style has to be set to "filled". If style="filled" and fillcolor is not defined, color is used. For clusters, if color is not defined, bgcolor is used. If this is not defined, the default (#FFFFFF) is used, except for shape=point.
Values:#000000 .. #FFFFFF (rgb)
Default Value:lightgrey (nodes and records), black(clusters)
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Example 1/1:
Source code:
(graph ((bgcolor "#FFFFA0") (label "bgcolor='#FFFFA0'") (fontsize "11"))
(cluster ((id "c1") (fillcolor "#BBFFBB") (label "fillcolor='#BBFFBB', style='filled'") (style "filled") (fontsize "11"))
(node ((id "a") (label "fillcolor='#A0A0FF'\nstyle='filled'") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#A0A0FF") (fontsize "11")))
(node ((id "b") (label "fillcolor='#A0A0FF'") (fillcolor "#A0A0FF") (fontsize "11")))
(node ((id "c") (label "style='filled'") (style "filled") (fontsize "11"))))
(node ((id "d") (label "fillcolor='#A0A0FF'\nstyle='filled'") (style "filled") (fillcolor "#A0A0FF") (fontsize "11")))
(node ((id "e") (label "fillcolor='#A0A0FF'") (fillcolor "#A0A0FF") (fontsize "11")))
(node ((id "f") (label "style='filled'") (style "filled") (fontsize "11")))
(edge ((from "a") (to "d")))
(edge ((from "b") (to "e")))
(edge ((from "c") (to "f"))))
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