Examples 1


These examples demonstrate the possibilities of 'dot' and DotML. Below each graph the DotML source code is listed. Click on the element and attribute names to get a documentation.

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The following examples are taken from the GraphViz web site (http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery.php).

Example 1/3:
Source code:
<graph file-name="graphs/example_clust4">
<cluster id="0" style="filled" color="#CCCCCC" label="process #1">
<node id="a0" style="filled" color="#FFFFFF"/>
<node id="a1" style="filled" color="#FFFFFF"/>
<node id="a2" style="filled" color="#FFFFFF"/>
<node id="a3" style="filled" color="#FFFFFF"/>
<edge from="a0" to="a1"/>
<edge from="a1" to="a2"/>
<edge from="a2" to="a3"/>
<edge from="a3" to="a0"/>
<cluster id="1" color="#3030CC" label="process #2">
<node id="b0" style="filled"/>
<node id="b1" style="filled"/>
<node id="b2" style="filled"/>
<node id="b3" style="filled"/>
<edge from="b0" to="b1"/>
<edge from="b1" to="b2"/>
<edge from="b2" to="b3"/>
<edge from="b3" to="b0"/>
<node id="start" shape="Mdiamond"/>
<node id="end" shape="Msquare"/>
<edge from="start" to="a0"/>
<edge from="start" to="b0"/>
<edge from="a1" to="b3"/>
<edge from="b2" to="a3"/>
<edge from="a3" to="end"/>
<edge from="b3" to="end"/>
Example 2/3:
Source code:
<graph file-name="graphs/example_nhg">
<node id="label" label="Machine: a" shape="plaintext" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<node id="0" style="filled" color="#CCCCCC" shape="circle" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<node id="1" shape="circle" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<node id="2" shape="doublecircle" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<edge from="0" to="2" label="a" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<edge from="0" to="1" label="other" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<edge from="1" to="2" label="a" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<edge from="1" to="1" label="other" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<edge from="2" to="2" label="a" fontname="Helvetica"/>
<edge from="2" to="1" label="other" fontname="Helvetica"/>
Example 3/3:
Source code:
<graph file-name="graphs/example_record">
<node id="10" label="left"/>
<node id="11" label="middle"/>
<node id="12" label="right"/>
<node id="20" label="one"/>
<node id="21" label="two"/>
<node id="30" label="hello\nworld"/>
<node id="311" label="b"/>
<node id="3120" label="c"/>
<node id="3121" label="d"/>
<node id="3122" label="e"/>
<node id="313" label="f"/>
<node id="32" label="g"/>
<node id="33" label="h"/>
<edge from="11" to="20"/>
<edge from="12" to="3121"/>
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 Copyright 2002-2010 by Martin Loetzsch (http://martin-loetzsch.de), all rights reserved. See the DotML licence for details.