Attribute "headport"

Used by:edge
Description:Indicates where on the head node to attach the head of an edge.
Default Value:center
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Example 1/1:
Source code:
<graph file-name="graphs/headport" nodesep="0.6" ranksep="0.6">
<node id="NW" shape="point"/>
<node id="N" shape="point"/>
<node id="NE" shape="point"/>
<node id="E" shape="point"/>
<node id="head" label="head node" shape="box"/>
<sub-graph rank="sink">
<node id="W" shape="point"/>
<node id="SW" shape="point"/>
<node id="S" shape="point"/>
<node id="SE" shape="point"/>
<edge to="head" from="N" headlabel=":n" headport=":n"/>
<edge to="head" from="NE" headlabel=":ne" headport=":ne"/>
<edge to="head" from="E" headlabel=":e" headport=":e"/>
<edge to="head" from="SE" headlabel=":se" headport=":se"/>
<edge to="head" from="S" headlabel=":s" headport=":s"/>
<edge to="head" from="SW" headlabel=":sw" headport=":sw"/>
<edge to="head" from="W" headlabel=":w" headport=":w"/>
<edge to="head" from="NW" headlabel=":nw" headport=":nw"/>
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